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Three Database Normal Forms


🤖 Guideline for designing relational databases

Unnormalized Table


OrderIDCustomer NameBookTitlesBookPricesDelivery Addresses
1John Doe"Database Concepts, Cloud Computing""50,40"1 Maple St
2Jane Smith"Machine Learning"60"Delivery Addresses
3John Doe"Cloud Computing""40"1 Maple St


  • BookTitles and BookPrices contain multiple values
  • CustomerName and DeliveryAddresses repeated => redundancy

First Normal Form (1NF)


  • Atomicity
    • Hold only atomic (indivisible) values
    • Each record contains unique key
  • No repeating groups
    • Each intersection of row and column in a table must contain only a single value


1John DoeDatabase Concepts50123 Maple St
1John DoeCloud Computing40123 Maple St
2Jane SmithMachine Learning60456 Oak Ave
3John DoeCloud Computing40123 Maple St
  • But there is still redundant data

Second Normal Form (2NF)


  • All criteria of 1NF
  • Eliminate redundant data
    • (If composite primary key) Each non-key column should be dependent on the entire composite key


Split Orders into Customers and Orders

1John Doe123 Maple St
2Jane Smith456 Oak Ave

Third Normal Form (3NF)


  • All criteria of 2NF
  • Eliminate columns not dependent on key
    • No transitive dependency for non-key attributes (non-key attributes must depend only on PK)


Reduced redundancy

Minimoize storage space requirements / inconsistent data

Improved data integrity

Enhance integrity / consistency of database

Easier maintenance

Simpler to update data, less prone

Potential Downsides

Performance implications

  • Higher NF > more tables and more complex queries, can impact query performance
  • Denormalization can be helpful for
    • Databases with high read-to-write ratio
    • Performance is critical

Complexity in Design and Queries

  • Database design might be harder to understand, more complex SQL queries